CMC Steel Texas. Sequin, TX
Sequin, TX
Engineering Services for Electric Arc Furnace Installation and Cooling System Upgrade
RTP provided engineering services to install a new Electric Arc Furnace and replace an existing EAF servicing the melt shop. The new larger furnace was installed during a 47-day outage. Demolition and installation scope of work for the new, replacement equipment includes furnace foundations, mezzanine floor at the charging floor elevation, modification of the existing Slag tunnel for more direct access, 4th hole, drop-out box and water-cooled duct replacement, non-contact cooling water system, electrical distribution upgrades, alloy system addition, and wire feeder relocation.
In addition, RTP replaced (3) existing interconnecting cooling water systems facilitating to the melt shop, with (1) new, unified cooling water system to satisfy current needs and future expansion. The new cooling water system consisted of a built-in-place, fiberglass, counterflow cooling tower capable of supplying a 32,000 GPM service requirement.
Comprehensive services provided by RTP included project and detailed engineering services; preparation of estimates to assist with budget funding; structural, foundation, and electrical drawings; and coordination with various OEM’s and CMCST’s.